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Your trip begins when you arrive at Entebbe International Airport, depending on your time of arrival, birding may be possible around Entebbe area at the Botanical Gardens for the Orange Weaver and a variety of other birds. Overnight accommodation in Entebbe or Kampala.



Early in the morning we will leave Entebbe for Mabamba Swamp birding while enroute, with a chance to see a variety of weavers, Black headed Oriole, Black Bishop, and many others. In Mabamba Swamp, we shall take a hand paddled canoe in search for the majestic Shoebill; along with the chance to see a variety of water birds like the Purple swamphen, Black Crake, Purple and Squacco Herons, Malachite King Fisher. After visiting Mabamba, we will go to Lake Mburo with lunch and birding enroute. We will arrive for an evening game drive as you enter park, and have the chance to see a variety of birds. We will stay overnight in lodge or camp in the park.



In the morning we will go birding and mammal watching; here we may have a chance to see the Red faced Barbet, Tabora Cisticola and many other acacia associated birds. We may also have a chance to see the Zebra, Eland, Topis, Impalas and some other game. After the game drive, we go for a boat ride in search for the African Finfoot and then transfer to Bwindi and then drive straight to Ruhizha. We will stay overnight in a lodge in Ruhizha.



In the morning, we will trek to Mubwindi Swamp in search of the African Green-broadbill, Grauer's Rush Warbler, Caruthers's Cisticola, Purple-breasted, Blue-headed and Regal Sunbirds. In the late afternoon, we will bird around the camp for Dusky Twinspot, Luhder's Bushshrike, and Rwenzori Batis.



In the morning as we travel to Buhoma, we will bird along the way and at the "Neck", for a chance to see the Cassin's Hawk Eagle, Black Bee-eaters, Bronze-napped Pigeon, Many-Coloured Bush-shrike, Cassin's grey flycatcher and a variety of Albertine rift endemics. We will stay overnight in the camp or lodge in Buhoma for the next 3 nights.



We will spend the day birding Buhoma Main trail in search for the Handsome Francolin, Rufous-chested Fluff tail, Olive-Long-tailed Cuckoo, Red-chested Owlet, Neumann's Warbler, Pale-breasted Illadopsis, White-tailed Flycatcher, and many others. In the evening, we will go in search for the Bat Hawk, or any other birds we have been unable to locate in this area. This will be our 2nd night stay in Buhoma.


DAY SEVEN:  ** (optional due to cost/availability)

An early morning trek into Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park with packed lunch led by experienced guides that will lead us to a family of mountain gorillas. Tracking the gorillas through the dense mountain forest is a magical experience! You will spend one hour with the gorillas and be back at the base. Some gorilla families however are more elusive, and tracking can take a full day, especially when it is wet and muddy. This will be our last night stay in Buhoma.



In the morning we will drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Once in the park we will go to the Ishasha section for a game drive in search for Tree Climbing Lions as well as birding for Broad-tailed Warbler, a variety of birds of prey. We will stay overnight in accommodations in the park for 2 nights.



We will start our day with a morning game drive through the Kasenyi track and Kob mating grounds. We will be in search of the Secretary bird, that was recently seen here, as well as some Savanna birds like the Temminck's Courser, Martial Eagle, Rupell's Griffon Vulture etc. Also while on this game drive we have a chance to see mammals like the Lions, Elephants, Buffalo, Hyena, Giant Forest Hogs, and other game. In the afternoon, we will take a boat ride on Kazinga Channel; which is believed to host the largest concentration of Hippos in Africa, a variety of migrant birds, and Crocodiles. This will be the last night we will be staying overnight here in Queen Elizabeth National Park.



In the morning we will drive to Fort Portal birding enroute. In the afternoon we may bird the Forest west of Fort Portal in search for the Joyful Greenbul, Cassin's Grey Flycatcher, African Black Duck, Four-coloured Bush shrike and a variety of forest birds or we may bird the Crater area for Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Giant Kingfisher, Yellow bellied Waxbill to mention but a few. We will stay overnight Hotel in Fort Portal or Kibale Forest National Park.



After an early morning breakfast, we go Chimp tracking by walking to Kibale National Park reported to be home to the greatest variety and highest concentration of primates in the world. Some of the thirteen (13) different species have been identified here are the Grey-cheeked Mangabeys, Vervet, L'Hoerst and Red tailed Monkeys, Olive Baboons, Red, Black and White Colobus Monkeys! Also while in the Forest, we will have a chance to bird in search for the Green-breasted Pitta, Western bronze-napped Pigeon, and many-coloured Bush shrike, to mention but a few of the native birds. In the afternoon, we will take a Swamp walk in Bigodi wetland for the Papyrus endemics and a variety of primates. We will have overnight accommodations in Kibaale or Fort Portal.



After an early breakfast, we will head to Murchison Falls where we will be able to bird along the main road with the possibility to see the Spotted Greenbul, Blue-throated Roller, Chestnut capped Flycatcher, Ituri Batis, and Tit Hylia. As we will also be able to bird the escarpment in search for Foxy Cisticola, Cliff chats, Western Violet backed Sunbird, chestnut crowned sparrow, Cinnamon Bunting, Red-winged, yellow winged and Green Pytlias, Black Billed Barbet and many others. We will stay overnight in accommodations the park.



In the morning we will cross with a ferry for a game drive to the Delta. A few of the animals we are likely to see include: the Lion, Leopards, Giraffes, Oribis, Hartebeests, and Elephants. A few of the many birds here include: the Shoebill stork, the Carmine Bee-eaters, Abyssinian ground Hornbills and many others. After the game drive, we will take an afternoon boat ride to the bottom of Murchison Falls—a magical trip through a beautiful scenery; The whole of the 50 meters wide Nile River is forced into a gap only 7 meters wide – the immense force of the water and the views of the falls is awe inspiring! During the boat ride, we may have a chance to see variety water birds, schools of Hippos and Crocodiles. We will conclude the day with an evening drive to the top of the falls, here we may a possibility to see the Pel's fishing Owl, Rock Prantincoles, Bat Hawk, and we may bird till late; in hopes to see the Nightjars. Overnight camp or lodge in the park.



We will start our morning early and drive to Kampala through Kaniyo Pabidi, birding in search for Puvel's Illadopsis, the Rufous sided broadbill and a variety of forest birds. Your 14 Day Birding Experience will conclude once you arrive at the airport for your flight.




**Gorilla permits cost US$ 600 per person; these are booked in advance for they are sold on first come first serve basis and only confirmed with cash.

Please note: the birds mentioned in the itinerary are most likely to be seen in the places mentioned but typical to bird nature this is not a guarantee.


To receive a price on this tour please visit our Contact page and complete the online feedback form.


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